Dhini Lundi

Pronounced 'Dee-knee Loon-dee'

The Penitent Huntress

Touting a bow of ashwood on her back whittled with stories written in wood, a wrapped dagger hangs loosely at her waist. The Keeper of the Moon stalks about the bustling crowds with head held high past the busy streets so typical of city life in Limsa, before slipping away to get along with her night. Contract in hand – the large inky words read 'GREAT GRIZZLEFUR OF DRAVANIA' with a crude beast and seal of Idyllshire, the grey woman dressed in utilitarian threads seems aloof even in silence reaching the peer at cities edge. With amber eyes darting about the port of Lominsa they search for a familiar face in the shallowing crowd to no avail. One who was once lost in a sea of strangers learns how to tread water fast.Stepping onto the vessel leaving the bleached white city, the rough worn furs and leather of the scout's regalia swing over her shoulder, rubbing and clinking.Working with local trading posts and a privately owned museum the woman has seen some good days and some bad ones too – traveled down through foreign lands
Touching mountain tops and golden sands, seen Gelmora and its churches made of stone. The keeper has walked the long road and worn it well; stitched herself up when she fell. Carrying secrets in scars
Beneath her shirt, each nook and groove tells a tale of its own.
Settling in for the night ahead at the helm of the ship, her gaze draws up to Menphina and her stars above – before bringing the world back down around her to look through her red marked ledger.What's ahead? No one knows. But it's closing in, she swears.

A Not-So Brief History

Current state of loreChange isn't sudden, it just hides as it's coming.The feeling was like taking a picture, how it could have been tangible and stitched into the fading yellow curtains that one winter morning. How that feeling came shaking the sky and moving the ground, insisting the winds of life should up and change.
Struggling with a build-up of loss caused by nothing but her actions, the ashen woman spent a year in denial secluded in the Shroud trying to make sense of the life she had lost and the future she had thought she'd fought for hard enough to keep, but couldn't.
Trudging one step forward each morn, she'd overtime reconnect with her with her beloved friends of the Faithful Road Caravan and newfolk of Ishgard under the Explorer's League. Living to accept the future she cried for is gone, the keeper lives with the weight on her shoulders each step is levelling old ground for something new.This life was grown of of something; something she had cursed, she had prayed for, and knew she could wait for.Bathed in the salt of her own brow and spurned by the words she keeps in the back of her throat, there's a fruition of her hopes and ambitions just ahead this point of life -- and each trembling step will push her forward.Returning to the North Shroud to pour herself into Levework, trading and study into the underground city of Gelmorra; her work may one day reach others and help those she holds dearest.There's no point of questioning her choices now anyway, she lives with the repercussions of her actions and takes life as it comes her way: Bluntly.

Background lore pre-Endwalker timelineRaised from a small familial clan in the Eastern Shroud underneath the nettles and knotted boughs of the Bramble Patch, Dhini Lundi grew up in a progressive yet relatively isolated society surrounded by her mother and aunts. However, the young girl would rather wander off to the far edge of the clan to spend the sunny days away in her father's botanical hut.Learning about alchemical tinctures and tonics, the youthful keeper was raised up with a strong connection to the natural setting of the world, with family before all else and the God Oschon as guidance. A naturally adventurous little kit even more than her cousins and definitely more akin to trouble, as her mother's child burdon weighed heavy on her thin shoulders. Matriarchal bonds are tied to leadership in Keeper of the Moon miqo'te families – for others to consider the power of family name a gift to Dhini upon her birth, it was as equally a burden on the aloof follower of Oschon.An explorer by heart and an adventurous youth who wanted nothing more than to travel Eorzea, Dhini had dreams of voyaging beyond the Shroud to see what the world had to offer. Away from the city of Gridania and nearby cottages of elezen, the Keeper grew up secluded to her household from civilization spare for trading trips to the Hawthorne Hut to sell furs; a trading post to the people of Central Coerthas. Life in the patch was simple and true, as each night raised up Menphina's grace high the little village was alight with glittering fireflies to light the britchen path. Past the cave mushroom grottos to the glowing pumpkins patches in a world devoid of outsiders, the brambles kept them safe from the wood wailers outside. In the safety of isolation, the dangers of the outside still came. A sickness of coughing and white warts on tongues spread like wildfire; lighting the proud village like a pyre.Where children played with wood hoops in the center of town, where women did their marketing; no longer did the laughs ring out in the streets. Where weddings would be held underneath canopies of moss and vine instead left dried and covered in virulent lichen.As fate weaves Nymeia's scarf around Eithrys, was a fateful day when Dhini came into contact with an aged sailor, regaling tales of grandeur and wealth by the old riverbank that set her on a path nothing could have prepared her for.And as the sickness slipped past the thorns and pricking spikes like a viper in the bush, the matriarch fell ill all too fast.Visions of affluence and fame bred high hopes and infatuated dreams of her future in the bustling city to escape the decay and disease.
To save herself.
But to leave behind home... In her left hand there was the familiar yet in her right palm held the great unknown. Unwilling to listen to her family seeing the despair that clung to their hides, unable to see that they only cared and hoped she was alright – A frightened Dhini barely old enough to hold her own packed her belongings and moved to Limsa in the middle of the day, leaving everything she had for chasing a future for her selfish self.
Life is hard, and it never quite goes the way you want it. In the first Heavensturn, Dhini picked up working full weeks at the Culinarians guild to pay for her rent and get by day-to-day life without being reduced to the streets. With little to fewer friends when not at work, she had found companionship in the Faithful Road Caravan in Ul'dah. Her first true friends however much she denied to admit it, the traveling band of misfit Miqo'te gave her a sense of family and helped the socially inept Keeper transition into the city setting.However as the caravan disbanded to chase their own futures, so did the ashen woman. Dhini went out into La Noscea searching for multiple odd jobs to pick up and fill her hours to make ends meet, the woman sought to find her place in the world.Eventually, her efforts to find her footing lead back to the path of the Huntress, taking up the shortbow once more as a merc for work. Rejecting modernity, as far as the keeper tried to run from the past failed venture after failed venture once more she would be reminded of her culture and heritage she could not tear away.
To embrace it was survival.
Signing with the Wyvern's Tale and raising to the ranks of Golden Wings, the woman was able to reduce her hours at the Bismark as a fully employed mercenary traveling the continents from Aldenard to Othard. Finding a footing in rangership as a scout these ventures lead her to corners of Eorzea in unexpected turns that have led her down a path she'd never thought she'd trip into – traveling to sunkissed shores on Vyldebrand's lower reaches to watching those rays set on her dearest of friends. It's grueling hours and the uncertainty of death hangs like stagnant dust in the air, yet the prayers pleaded so many moons ago of a future she could be proud of is finally coming to a head, and she would be a fool to give up now.With a foothold in the world able to fund her future, filled with hope and succor for a chance at life to the fullest the keeper has turned her attention away from the dirty and low balling mercenary work, but fate would see otherwise than see the moon rise.


  • Neutral Good

  • Scout/Shortblade Ranger

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Sexuality: Hetero, Monogamous

  • Semi-religious, follower of Oschon

  • Eastern Shroud raised

  • Aether-deficient

Dhini is a Keeper of the Moon who stands at 5 fulms, (5"0). She is 25 years old and is settling for a burnt-out cabin as a home currently.Her hair is naturally alabaster, silvered by the ends and highlights while her skin is ashen grey from her heritage as a purebred Keeper of the Moon. Dark freckles speckle her cheeks, complimenting the tangerine orange of her eyes. Young and athletic with built muscle from years of work, the woman looks more gaunt than the regular city-folk miqo'te. She doesn't seem to take care of herself, with strong muscles covered by sky that hangs just a bit too-tight to bone.A ranger to a fault, Dhini is built for scouting ahead of groups and keeping light on her feet while providing ranged fire or short-sword defense. While not gathering necessary reagents for her aspected crystal catalysts, the silver-tail keeps her hands moving at all times -- usually resorting to woodcarving with her hunting knife when anxious.She adores nature and all that the earth gives, holding nostalgia for the blissful days of her past before everything became so heavy.ArmoryTrained for her whole life until seclusion from her Clan, Dhini is an expert marksman with a shortbow she has used for mercenary work.But after a while, having big beasties or people charging you with only a tiny dagger for defense gets agitating. Given an emblazoned shortblade from Aeovar Hundmund from a stash of Ishgardian treasures, she pairs it with a dagger in her spare hand. Using alchemical catalysts and tonics to give her edge in combat, her form is aggressive and self-taught by blocking blows with her shortsword to gut with her dagger.


Hiya! I'm Dhini, Panini, Linguini, Martini, or anything you can think of that rhymes! I am always up for learning more about lore to better understand the game and it's storytelling, so feel free to send me a /tell about the history of Eorzea!I am a recent college grad in the CST timezone with revolving Fri/Sat/Sun nights available for RP! I have a busy work schedule but can always reply (although pretty slow) through Discord emote. I'm always looking for new friends and groups to RP with, maybe you have a job for the Panini!I am down for a lot of themes with the character but my favorite styles of RP is multi-para mirroring, comedy style rp, and adventure/travel!


  • Growing up in the Eastern Shroud, a fellow Keeper may know of her small family hidden beneath the Bramble Patch that was not so akin to traditional keeper clans; allowing marriage and newlyweds to stay in the village until childbirth.

  • Have a hunting question? Need a skilled scout to help dispatch a menace to a village? Look no further than this silver cat!

  • This woman seems to know a fair deal about Gelmorra and it's ruins, if that avails to you.

  • Currently, the keeper is moving out of the city after finding she could never gain a foothold in society, and is packing to return to the forests. Are you a crafter and does she need something to buy from you?

  • Have you a need for tonics? Tinctures? Greens for seasoning and salves alike? Currently taking care of a greenhouse for an associate, Dhini is a journeyman alchemist.

  • Regretting her decision to abandon her home, Dhini seeks companionship with other Keepers of the Moon to spend time with, and relate to. She isn't fully cut out for society, after all.

  • As of recently, her efforts have led her to working with The Praetorian Hunters Guild, a trading post for fur and animal sinew in pursuit of knowledge.

  • Recruited by the strange and enigmatic Chacapaco Yuyupaco, Dhini now works as part of a private museum collective in search of new artifacts.

  • A fan of the Witcher series? Dhini's fighting style revolves around sword and dagger, using coating oils and potions taken during combat to fight. While she has an absurdly small aetherpool and cannot use magic, she is wind-aspected, which can be trained into Aard with the proper teacher.